Other Products

S&R Enterprises (SA) Pty Ltd have other products underway, currently at the Research & Development stages, but should be completed shortly.


Petiole Remover


A problem for the industry is the inclusion of Petioles in the Grape Sample entering the winery at harvest. The Petioles are bitter to taste and when processed with the grapes, degrade the wine.

The innovation is a purpose built conveying system that separates petioles from grapes. This unit is mounted to the mechanical grape harvesters, so the petioles are left in the vineyard.

The Petiole Remover will increase wine quality, resulting in a higher standard of wine.


Advanced Digital Pruning (ADP) System


The ADP system is unique and is attached to all mechanical pruning systems. The ADP follows the vine cordon with accuracy for final pruning. It can detect posts and produce pruning at a consistent height, it allows for instant adjustment when on undulating surfaces.

Ease of operation for the driver, reducing required concentration levels, and allows extended pruning intervals. It delivers accuracy 24 hours per day, rain, hail or shine.